Neurologists sense a leap in the field of neuroscience, maybe even a micro revolution
Various aspects of neurological pathologies have been extensively discussed at the VIIth Congress of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova. Among the pressing topics addressed there were cerebrovascular pathologies, demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, neuromuscular and peripheral nervous system disorders, pain and headaches, cognitive disorders, epilepsy and neuropediatrics news, whose incidence, according to participants, has increased with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Emil Ceban, Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, present at the opening of this scientific event, has stressed that despite advances in medical sciences, the human brain and nervous system remain insufficiently studied and investigated, and continue to be an object of study for medical scientists, as neurological diseases represent a challenge for practitioners, especially in the current pandemic conditions. The impact of SARS-CoV-2 virus on the nervous system and the complications developed after contamination are already known.
The rector has stressed that in order to provide qualified medical assistance to patients with neurological diseases, complex investigations are needed to establish a correct diagnosis and an effective treatment.
”As in the case of other medical specialties, the modern neurologist must be informed of advances in this particular field of activity, whether it is about new diagnostic methods or therapeutic techniques, which is not an easy task in the context of the accelerated pace of human development. Therefore, the organization of specialized national congresses offers the opportunity to synthesize and assimilate the latest information”, concluded rector Ceban.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, Director of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research of Nicolae Testemitanu University, mentioned that since the last edition of the Congress of Neurologists held 4 years ago, in the field of neuroscience, neurology and neurosurgery essential changes have taken place: the implementation of highly effective methods in the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, the initiation of a direction for the treatment of degenerative Parkinson's disease, the unfolding of the most important event in neurology – Summit of COST European Project, attended by representatives of 25 countries, etc. ”Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic intervened and turned most of the plans upside down, and now we have to carry out a double activity because the incidence of vascular, neurological, and neurosurgical pathologies has not declined. On the contrary, it has increased and there is a need to solve an associated problem – the COVID-19”, the academician emphasized.
In other news, the vice-rector has also highlighted the good part of the pandemic period, namely: defending several doctoral theses in medical sciences, initiating international collaborations in various fields, launching new study programs, updating the teaching curriculum in neuroscience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Besides, several young graduates of the university cycle opted for residency studies in neurology - young people with good prospects and high intellectual abilities, specified the professor. Academician Groppa expressed hope that this congress was a step forward towards raising the level of knowledge and increasing the quality of medical care provided to patients in the Republic of Moldova.
Professor Grigore Zapuhlîh, Head of Neurosurgery Department, Director of Diomid Gherman Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, added that in the last four years, the diagnostics and scientific structure had been improved in all medical institutions of the country. ”We have various types of equipment that allow us to provide high-performance healthcare services to patients with vascular pathologies. Country’s strategic institutions of neurological profile have been already provided with radiography equipment, which allows the most sophisticated interventions, such as thrombolysis, thrombus extraction, and in the field of neurosurgery as well. Any citizen of our country can receive adequate treatment, the cost of which is covered by national programs. In 39 years of activity, I have noticed a great leap in the field of neuroscience, maybe even a micro-revolution, and this fact will bring us in line with all contemporary requirements”, emphasized Professor Zapuhlih.
Professor Vitalie Lisnic, President of the Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova and of this year's Congress, mentioned that the scientific event offered opportunities to expand the horizons of personal development, to maintain work contacts with colleagues and friends, acting as a springboard for young specialists.
On the first day of the event, participants marked the Day of the European Academy of Neurology, and scientific celebrities in the field of European neurology gave lectures and conducted thematic workshops on topics such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, vestibular disorders.
The congress took place in an on-line format and brought together over 300 doctors from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Most of the works were presented in the form of posters. Finally, the winner will be awarded a scholarship, which will allow his participation in the next edition of the specialised European Congress 2022.
The VII Congress of Neurologists was organized by the Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the departments of Neurology No. 1 and No. 2 of Nicolae Testemitanu University.
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